Burundi Turihamwe
Producer: Turihamwe
Region: Kayanza Province
Variety: Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Elevation: 1750 masl
Wet Mill: Turihamwe Washing Station
Dry Mill: CBC
Harvest: June 2020
Soil: volcanic
Turihamwe, which means “together” in Kirundi, is a high-quality coffee produced by women coffee farmers and processed in Burundi’s first woman-owned washing station. Seven women pooled their savings from their JNP Coffee premiums to build their own wet mill in 2019. Now they control the quality of their coffee and this stage of the supply chain. The result is an exceptional coffee that features the sweet and citrus flavors so prized by specialty coffee drinkers. Through their small investment group, Turihamwe Turashobora, these businesswomen plan to use future premium earnings to increase production from five micro-lots to 1,200 bags a year.
Sourcing information and photos courtesy of JNP Coffee.