The Colbran family in Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea have pioneered coffee in their region over generations. This washed lot from the Urara section of the estate features a silky body and floral tasting notes. Today the Colbran Coffeelands farm composes around 220 hectares of mature coffee trees alongside some sections of newer plantings. They also work with farms and farmers in the surrounding region, offering processing and marketing support.
Some minor adjustments have been made over the years as Colbran Coffeelands has grown in size and output. More shade trees have been planted in order to reduce requirements for fertilizer as well as keep weeds under control. Since more shade trees lower the production yield, they have established renovation and planting programs in order to be able to meet future demand. The coffee cherries are bought to the Baroida wet mill collection point on a daily basis during harvest and the cherry is sorted and checked for quality and the growers are paid on the spot for their cherry. Baroida then pulps, ferments, washes and dries the coffee and prepares ready for export. This coffee is as close to an estate quality coffee as you can find in PNG.